A Garden

May is fast approaching and soon will come June and we’ll make our way up to Portland for the summer. Summer will surely fly by and before we know it fall will be here. It’s starting to feel like we can see our next big move on the horizon. That exciting buzz of not knowing what our future holds, but being hopeful that it’s going to be something really special is swirling above our heads.

We’re often talking about our “forever home” and my favorite part about those conversations is that they all are centered around the garden that we’ll grow. We’ve grown gardens in the past. Some very wonderful gardens. A big beautiful garden full of vegetables that my mom planted for us back in Colorado. I used to look forward to my daily task of watering the garden back when Mimi was like a watermelon in my belly. With Mimi’s help, Jeff planted us a fruitful little garden in our backyard in the Arizona desert. The beans stole the show that year. If those beans had been soaked just a tad bit longer Jeff most definitely would’ve won his chili competition at work. ;)

But this garden that we dream about lately will be different. We will plant this garden and quite possibly tend that patch of dirt for many years to come. We will get to grow alongside this garden. It’s been a beautiful journey of traveling and having the chance to call many places home, but I’m ready to be anchored down to one place. I’m ready to sink my hands in the soil and put some roots down. I’m ready to plant a garden.

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