
Brigid Pickett
Beading, My Mistakes, & How That's Brought Me To Where I Am Today

Beading, My Mistakes, & How That's Brought Me To Where I Am Today

As many of you already know, before starting silversmithing I was working with beads. I bought the beads and simple tools I needed from a local craft store as a birthday present to myself in 2019. It was a wonderful craft to practice at home alongside caring for my two little ones. I taught myself how to weave earrings and I intended to make jewelry as Christmas gifts for my family members. That never happened, but I began selling my earrings on Etsy instead. We were living in southern Arizona and I decided to name my shop after my favorite...

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Brigid Pickett


If you asked me what my favorite trail is, I would tell you that it’s the little piece of Huachuca Canyon single track near our last home on Fort Huachuca in southern Arizona. After running it for the first time, I would’ve never thought that one day I’d say it was my favorite. I thought it was nice—but it’s short—about 1.4 miles. It felt more like a connector trail than a destination in itself. Nothing to write home about, I thought. But boy, how I miss that trail today. I could cry thinking about the fond memories I have of...

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Brigid Pickett


I taught first grade before my daughter was born. And while a whole lot less structured, I teach both of my kids these days. I’m not talking homeschooling – it’s far from that. (Side note: to the parents out there who are managing that, you’re incredible. And to the teachers who have adapted to teaching virtually, you are very, very incredible.) While I don’t homeschool my little ones, it’s more about teaching them by living life intentionally alongside them. We ask each other lots of questions, we read a lot, we make things, we color, we play. I try to...

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Brigid Pickett
Leaning Into The Process

Leaning Into The Process

The idea that I am leaning into most heavily these days while I’m learning the ropes of silversmithing is that I am investing in the process of creating art regardless of the finished product that I make or the success that my little handmade business will have. Because it’s within the process of creating in which I find the most value. The process is what feeds my soul. Making and selling a beautiful piece of jewelry that brings joy and confidence into someone’s life is incredibly meaningful to me, but that piece of jewelry is a symbol for something greater....

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